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K's Thoughts on... Second Chance

It's finally here!

My fourth book, Second Chance, goes live tomorrow on Amazon and I couldn't be more excited. I didn't get a chance to do this with the first book in this series, By Chance, so I made sure to get these pre-release thoughts for Second Chance.

Second Chance, or SC as I will refer to it for the remainder of this post, was supposed to originally be released on my birthday, March, 29, 2021. But about a week after releasing By Chance, I ended up scrapping the entire SC manuscript because it just wasn't... right.

At first, most of this book was written from Sinn's POV, just like in By Chance so I wanted to get into Jaxon's head more this time around. But, he was honestly one of the hardest characters I've ever written.

Not because he's difficult but because he's different.

Typically, my favorite male leads to read and write about are abrasive, alpha, and borderline arrogant. I love a good anti-hero love story!

But Jaxon is a "nice guy." He's nicer than probably 95% of the men in my future catalog so writing him and staying true to who he is was a bit of a challenge.

To my surprise, Sinn nor Jaxon opened up to me as easily as I'd expected. By Chance was an easy, fun project to write so I expected SC to be the same since it's the same couple, right?


They were stubborn as hell and took me through the ringer LOL But I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I enjoyed writing their story.

Also, a lot of my characters over several different series will be connected. When reading, please keep in mind that characters you only see once or twice in certain projects may (very likely) appear in several of my books because most of my projects take place in my fictional town, Sienna Falls.

Some of these characters will eventually have their own projects/series and some will remain secondary characters that will appear throughout many of my projects.

As always, thanks for your support.

Until next time,



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